Monday, May 25, 2009

Before the Dawn, actually Tuesday evening at 6:30

We met in Sue Ann's backyard to discuss our latest book. It was a perfect evening for a picnic. So first, here is the potluck you might have missed: garlic chicken and artichoke pizza, pasta salad, Chinese chicken salad, green salad, bruschetta on pita chips, a bowl of fresh strawberries and blueberries, brownies, and a sampling of rich, dark chocolate bars. Yum! We had some fun, new faces show up - Sherri F. from Bergeson, and Allison. (Annie showed up at the very end because there was going to be a viewing of Dancing with the Stars.)

We all liked the book, Before the Dawn by Dean Hughes. It's the story of a unlikely RS President during the Depression. We found many things in the book relevant today. We talked about how interconnected we all are. When the RS sisters were encouraged to make their own or do without, that hurt the ward member who owned the Mercantile and he had to let his help go. We see similar examples today. It was interesting to see how RS operated in those days, with bazaars and work meetings. Our Enrichment Nights are different, but still challenging in many ways. There was also a division between the town women and the farm wives. We discussed things that divide us today: married, single, divorced, working outside the home, stay at home and work, social status, and age. In the end, we love our sisterhood and the Relief Society. This book is a tribute to both.

At our next get-together I'm going to remember my camera! It will make the blog a bit more interesting. I also want everyone to add other book recommendations. We don't have to add them to the RS list, but there are a lot of books out there that would be of interest to others, or our kids. I'm excited for summer reading!

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