Monday, December 28, 2009

Free Books from Deseret


As a part of his doctoral studies, John Hilton III is "studying what happens when books are made available for free." He worked wtih "Deseret BOok and they have made 8 of their books available for free." They can all be downloaded at Several of the books are ones you might be interested in. The books are:

1. Please Pass the Scripture by John Hilton III
2. What I Wish I Would Have Known When I Was Single by John Bytheway
3. Women at the Well by Richard and Jeni Holzapfel
4. Digging Deeper by Robert Eaton
5. 10 Secrets Wise Parents Know by Brent Top and Bruce Chadwick
6. Growing Up: Gospel Answers about Maturation and Sex by Brad Wilcox
7. Saving Kristen by Jack Weyland (fiction)
8. The Hidden Path by C.B. Andersen (fiction)
I recommend that you go download them all and save them for future reference as they will only be available online for free for a short time.

I went in and downloaded 5 of these and saved them. They're only available until January 27th. The problem is that you have to read them on the computer, or print them out. It's too bad there isn't an audio option, but they're free!

Try Again!

It's almost the new year and I resolve to try blogging again. Since I still know how to sign in here, I'm going to start posting again. It might take me a while to restock the Shelfari shelf with our 2010 titles, but I'll work on it. I also want to get more people involved. I'll need to figure out how to send out e-mails again that give you all admin rights. I'd just like to have others post book reviews (even if it's not one of our book picks), recipes, or anything related. This should be a big group blog. We'll have Rachelle send out the blog address, and maybe put it in the RS newsletter. I'm even taking my camera to the December lunch and movie get together tomorrow.